Friday, 2 April 2010


I often joke that feeding people was inherited through my Irish Catholic genes, I get immense pleasure from feeding people and think that an upbringing centered around the kitchen is to blame. Food was always at the heart of our family from the evening meal to grand family celebrations and I have vivid memories of the women in our family frantic in the kitchen on the run up to large gatherings. Food brought our family together and the tradition continues to this day, my favorite event being Sunday brunch at my parents when my siblings and I are home with our partners.

My personal training in the kitchen began when I was old enough to stand on a chair at the kitchen work top watching my mother cooking and baking. Processes were explained, mixtures chopped and spoons licked until I was old enough to be let loose in the kitchen on my own. Initially I baked cakes and sweet treats which, with the exception of a few cracked Swiss Rolls, were reasonably successful. My first solo attempt at savory was an entirely different experience and one that still has me petrified of culinary failures. Entrusted with finishing Sunday lunch when my parents had to nip out I added 10 g of dried oregano instead of the same amount of fresh. The horrified look on my mums face when she returned to see my pouring in packets of the herb into her chicken stew still haunts me!

After leaving home to become a student I continued my kitchen adventures (an ex-flatmate recently reminded me of the upside-down veggie pizza incident - a story for another day) although ten years of cooking in rented flats has made it a little difficult. Finally I have a kitchen of my own and I am ready to open its doors and share my adventures.......

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